How To Install CachyOS & Partition Guide
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Erase Disk
The “Erase Disk” Option in Calamares will wipe the selected disk and install CachyOS to the target.
Boot into the ISO and click on Launch Installer.
Select the preferred Boot Manager. Check the Boot Managers section for more information.
Set the preferred Language and Region/Timezone.
Configure Keyboard Layout.
Select Erase Disk and choose a Filesystem.
Select the Desktop Environment of choice, see Desktop Environments.
Customize which packages should or should not be installed during the installation process.
Setup login credentials.
Review the installation summary on the Overview Page carefully. Proceed with the installation by clicking on Install Now if everything looks correct. Otherwise, go back and make any necessary changes.
Manual Partitioning
The partition table for each boot manager varies. Please follow the correct instructions for each.
Boot into the ISO and click the Launch Installer button
Set the preferred Language and Region/Timezone.
Configure Keyboard Layout.
Select Manual partitioning.
Create a new partition with the following:
- Size: 2048MiB
- Filesystem: FAT32
- Mount point: /boot
- Flags: boot
Create another partition for root:
- Size: At least 20000MiB
- Filesystem: Any, refer Filesystem
- Mount point: /
- Flags:
Double check that Install boot loader on: is pointing to /boot
Select the Desktop Environment of choice, see Desktop Environments.
Customize which packages should or should not be installed during the installation process.
Setup login credentials.
Review the installation summary on the Overview Page carefully. Proceed with the installation by clicking on Install Now if everything looks correct. Otherwise, go back and make any necessary changes.
Boot into the ISO and click the Launch Installer button
Set the preferred Language and Region/Timezone.
Configure Keyboard Layout.
Select Manual partitioning.
Create a new partition with the following:
- Size: At least 100MiB
- Filesystem: FAT32
- Mount point: /boot/efi
- Flags: boot
Create another partition for root:
- Size: At least 20000MiB
- Filesystem: Any, refer Filesystem
- Mount point: /
- Flags:
Double check that Install boot loader on: is pointing to /boot/efi
Select the Desktop Environment of choice, see Desktop Environments.
Customize which packages should or should not be installed during the installation process.
Setup login credentials.
Review the installation summary on the Overview Page carefully. Proceed with the installation by clicking on Install Now if everything looks correct. Otherwise, go back and make any necessary changes.
Boot into the ISO and click the Launch Installer button
Set your preferred Language and Region/Timezone.
Configure your Keyboard Layout.
Select Manual partitioning.
Create a new partition with the following:
- Size: At least 20000MiB
- Filesystem: Any, refer Filesystem
- Mount point: /
- Flags:
Double check that Install boot loader on: is pointing to your boot drive e.g: /dev/sda
Pick the Desktop Environment you’d like to use, see Desktop Environments.
Select the specific packages you wish to install from the provided list, and deselect any that you do not require.
Setup your login credentials.
Review the installation summary on the Overview Page carefully. If all the settings look correct for you, proceed with the installation by clicking on Install Now. Otherwise, go back and make any necessary changes.
Dual Booting
After manual partitioning, additional setup may be required to configure a dual boot system, especially with systemd-boot
and GRUB
We need to copy the Windows EFI binaries to the Linux EFI partition so that the boot manager can recognize them.
Locate the
Windows EFI partition
Example ❯ lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINTNAME FSTYPE SIZE MOUNTPOINTzram0 15.3G [SWAP]nvme0n1 476.9G├─nvme0n1p1 vfat 100M├─nvme0n1p2 16M├─nvme0n1p3 ntfs 234.4G├─nvme0n1p4 ntfs 830M├─nvme0n1p5 vfat 2G /boot└─nvme0n1p6 btrfs 239.6G /var/tmpEFI partitions are almost always formatted as
, and since nvme0n1p1 does not have a Linux mount point, assume that this partition is theWindows EFI partition
. -
Temporarily mount the
Windows EFI partition
.Terminal window ❯ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/WinBoot # Replace `nvme0n1p1` with the partition of Windows's EFI partition -
Copy the EFI binaries from the
Windows EFI partition
to theLinux EFI partition
.Terminal window ❯ sudo cp -r /mnt/WinBoot/EFI/* /boot/EFI -
Unmount the previously mounted partition, and Windows should appear in the boot menu on the next startup.
Terminal window ❯ sudo umount /mnt/WinBoot
GRUB uses os-prober to automatically detect the Windows EFI partition and add it to the boot menu.
Install and execute
Terminal window ❯ sudo pacman -S os-prober❯ sudo os-prober -
in the GRUB configuration filePress CTRL+S to save and CTRL+Q to exit from Micro ❯ sudo micro /etc/default/grub# /etc/default/grub# Probing for other operating systems is disabled for security reasons. Read# documentation on GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER, if still want to enable this# functionality install os-prober and uncomment to detect and include other# operating systems.GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false❯ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfgWindows should now be added to the boot menu.